Blog off.

Moving on from Blurbs to Blogs.

Last week when I was blogging about blurbs I wondered when and why people started burbling publicly. Diaries used to be a private affair, apart from Samuel Pepys and the ones written for comedic effect (Bridget Jones, The Wimpy Kid, Adrian Mole etc) but now everyone seems to have a blog.

It seems to be beneficial to some careers to have a blog, especially if you are a writer or artist, you need to have an online presence too.

What if you find it hard to write about yourself? Is it not supposed to be arrogant to start spouting your opinions uninvited?

Who cares?

Sometimes it is hard to get going, and sentences seem stilted- you see I am having difficulty right now! If you say something silly at a party, then at least you can hope that everyone is drunk and they will have forgotten by morning… if you say something silly online then you can’t really expect people to be drunk forever, they’re bound to sober up and read the nonsense you’ve written sometime. The stakes are high.

Is it easier to write about yourself than talk about yourself? Does your blog have to be about yourself or your own opinion? In fact, what even is a Blog- who came up with the word?

Do you read any blogs or do you write one yourself? Do you prefer celebrities or unknowns?

All these questions and more I’ll be exploring in my Daily Notes next week on Substack, so do join in- or blog off if you can’t be bothered.

My illustration today is a visual blog- it’s my pictorial review of a wonderful event that I attended yesterday, the launch of the Young Archivists Exhibition at Croydon Museum. It was fantastic and very moving to see young people connecting across an extremely diverse group.

I drew it with fine liner pen; a picture says more than a thousand words (or something like that).


Post-it Note #27


Post-it Note #26